Friday, November 5, 2010

Brugada Syndrome: The Real Score Behind "Bangungot"

In the Philippines, sudden death of apparently healthy young men that occurs while they are asleep, is of great mystery especially to the families and friends that they have left behind. They would claim that spirits of the underworld have taken their souls. Others would attribute a heavy meal especially at dinner time and going to sleep immediately is the cause of their death. Drinking too much alcohol and eating more carbohydrates were also linked to the cause of this sudden death.

In medicine, experts are speaking otherwise. They have identified Brugada Syndrome, or unexplained sudden cardiac death syndrome, a genetic disorder that causes syncope or death in young people with no apparent cardiac history. Discovered in 1992 by Pedro and Joseph Brugada, it was characterized by a diagnostic triad consisting of:
  1. a right bundle branch block (RBBB) pattern in the electrocardiogram (ECG)
  2. transient or persistent ST-segment elevation in leads V1-V3; and
  3. sudden cardiac death (SCD). These individuals had a structurally normal heart with no evidence of atherosclerotic. coronary artery disease.

Read more at Suite101: Brugada Syndrome: The Real Score Behind "Bangungot" http://www.suite101.com/content/brugada-syndrome-the-real-score-behind-bangungot-a304869#ixzz14Ni3cUn2

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Foods for the Brain

As the adage says, "With age comes wisdom." Yet gerontophobia is haunting a lot of people, especially baby boomers reaching middle age, in terms of experiencing the many expected outcomes of getting old. One of these outcomes is forgetfulness. The good news is that sound nutritional research and clinical experience shows that being older and wiser can be achieved as we grow old.

We are introduced to the many products in the market promising to enhance mental function, improve memory, boost intelligence, and stablize mood. With different varieties of products to choose from, we may need more brain power just to help us discern which is best for us.

With this, I started to look for information that could enlighten us in this discussion. I came up with seven top nutrients which have been found to have a positive influence on the mind. They are particularly helpful for those who have difficulty in concentrating, lack of memory energy, and depression.

Read more at Suite101: Seven Supplements to Boost Brain Power http://www.suite101.com/content/seven-supplements-to-boost-brain-power-a303272#ixzz14B06XFCR