Monday, October 11, 2010

Cramming for FINALS

It's Final Week of the First Semester and I bet the students' catecholamines are way beyond normal levels!!! 

If there's a way that I'll be measuring their perceptual fields, chances are, its down to moderate anxiety, severe, or much worse panic state.

Early this morning, as I opened my Google page, the Quote of the Day section caught my attention instantly. Its from Arthur Ashe (who's he? I asked myself), and he said "One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation."

I'm not interested on the person who said these lines but I think that this is very apt for what is going to transpire in the coming days. Anyway, I did research on Arthur Ashe later (just for curiosity sake) and he was the first African American player to compete in the international sport of tennis at the highest level of the game during 1960's. Not bad! Considering that during those times, apartheid among the whites and African Americans was the hype of the era.

Well, I'm not writing this article to talk about Arthur and his tennis achievements, am I?

So, going back to the quotation...

I decided to post it as my status over Facebook and feel that I have to give inspiration to my students who are about to embark on sleepless nights, gulping dozens of cups of coffee, transcribing every notes they had written during the very long and tiring lecture hours of their teachers. And I did not fail...Immediately, the post have accumulated several likes from the students. 

But lo and behold! As I exited the faculty room this afternoon and passed by the photocopying area of the school, several students are waiting in line to take their turns in having the lecture slides, notebooks of classmates, textbooks, and who knows what else is there to be photocopied that is relevant to the Final exams. (I just hope not a cheat sheet.)

This scenario pisses me off (excuse me for the word). I'm saying this not because I'm a teacher, but basically this is what Arthur was trying to put at. What ever happened to "burning the midnight candle"? They do practice it, but on the week of the examination.

I remember that my parents would constantly nag me to study every night even if I have no assignments or projects to do. I'm glad that I followed them (though at times, I scorn at this!). Every school night, I would open all my textbooks and allowed 30 minutes to review or make notes. And believe it or not, on examination week, I would only study for 2 long hours and spend the rest of the night reading my favorite novels. 

Students today lack the ability to extend their patience and perseverance in their studies. Ironically, they can extend their time on computer games and other stuffs that satisfy their whims..

There are 6 weeks in every examination period. Time management is a critical factor in studying. If you schedule 30 minutes to 1 hour of your time, all by yourself, block your senses from the external environment, read your textbook (I tell you, they are your best allies in your 4-years of College education), surely, there would be something that you can gain from this. Isn't it that a speck of ice can turn into a giant snow ball if you allow it to roll for a distance?  

Preparation is a key to success..Arthur may not literally focus on this when he said those famous words, but from my point of view, for you to succeed in your undertakings, you need to prepare the battle ground. To add to this, preparation for examination takes a lot more time to build a solid foundation of  KNOWLEDGE, COMPREHENSION, AND CRITICAL THINKING.. It does not happen in a week's time or overnight! (Get a grip, people!!!)

Face it, you cannot cram all the topics discussed in 6 weeks into the grey matters of your 3-pound brain in a week's time or much worse overnight! What are you? ET? Crap! 

I just hope that students will eventually realize that learning does not entail miracles or magics...It needs to be absorbed and digested; honed and applied; 

To those who are just about to light their midnight candles this week, GOOD LUCK..

To those who painstakingly stood by their midnight candles for several nights, CONGRATULATIONS...

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